In response to concerns about the opioid epidemic and the employment provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), on August 5, 2020, released technical assistance documents as guidance on opioid addiction and employment. Although directed at employees and healthcare providers, the EEOC’s guidance reminds employers of the basic parameters of the ADA Read More
3 Tips for Avoiding Liability Traps in Employee Leave Policies
As many businesses across the country are updating their leave policies, we offer the following three (3) tips to avoid employers’ liability traps in employee leave policies. Tip #1 – Review your leave policies for compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act. Unless your organization has a “bona fide benefits plan,” exempt employees’ salaries may not be reduced for absences due to illness or disability without Read More
3 Tips for Avoiding Employment Liability Pitfalls During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Even during the best of times, employment liability presents one of the highest costs of doing businesses for employers of all sizes. During the COVID-19 pandemic, employers have had no choice but to be more vigilant than ever in minimizing all expenses, including employee-related expenses. As your risk management partner, we offer you the following three tips to avoid costly employment liability traps during the Read More