Life’s a Breach! HHS Increases HIPAA Penalties for 2020

The final version of regulations coming from Health and Human Services (HHS) includes adjustments for inflation of HIPAA penalties. These civil penalties are for violations of “administrative simplification” rules. Administrative Simplification HIPAA’s administrative simplification rules are a set of national standards for electronic transactions designed to maintain the privacy of protected health information Read More

Bloomberg Law

INSIGHT: Who CARES? Retirement Plan Withdrawals OK if You’re Impacted by Coronavirus Read More

When Should an Employer Consider an ESOP?

Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) are popular both with owners looking for ways to increase employee engagement and involvement and with employees seeking to have some ownership in and benefit from the work they do beyond their salaries. For business owners, considering implementing an ESOP is one of many options they consider when looking at retirement, but there are other reasons to consider ESOPs. Provide Read More

Profits Interest as an Attraction and Retention Tool for Executives

Companies are always looking for creative ways to compensate their top executives.  They want to be able to attract top talent as well as retain the knowledge and experience they already have.  One tool for doing so is profits interests, which are an option for businesses taxed as pass-through entities. A profits interest is an equity right that can be granted to any individual for their service to a partnership Read More

Why an ESOP? Advantages to Employer of Deductible Cash Dividends to ESOP Participants

An Employee Stock Ownership Program or ESOP is a way for owners to share the wealth and success of a company with employees. It is often used for succession planning allowing long-term employees a way to buy out an aging owner and continue the business. ESOPs also offer some tax incentives to the company such as using deductible funds when servicing debt and creating deductible cash dividends. Tax Deductible Debt Read More


Mitigating COVID-19 Risk With Employee Benefit Programs Read More

ERISA Rules Every ESOP Fiduciary Needs to Know to Avoid Breach Claims

Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) fiduciaries are governed by ERISA rules just as administrators of other qualified retirement and benefit plans are. This includes any person who has discretion or control in the management of plan assets, provides advice to the plan for a fee, or has responsibility for the administration of the plan. In some cases, these fiduciaries do not act completely independently but rather Read More

IRS Extends 2019 ACA Reporting Deadline to End of March 2020

Pursuant to the December IRS Notice 2019-63 (the “Notice”), the deadline for providing forms 1095-C and 1095-B to covered individuals has been extended from the end of January until March 2, 2020. These forms must also be filed electronically with the IRS by March 31, 2020. These forms are part of the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) reporting requirements. Employer Shared Responsibility Under IRS Code Section Read More

Buyer Beware! First Circuit Declines to Hold Purchaser Private Equity Fund Liable for Pension Plan Liabilities but Risks Remain

As fiduciary liability cases wind their way from the initial trial to appeals, they are often subject to analysis from outside parties. Policy think tanks, large plan providers, and other entities who will be impacted by the outcome of the case like to review and sometimes even submit comments regarding the impacts of a particular decision one way or the other on the part of the courts. Sun Capital Partners III, Read More

Bloomberg Law re: COVID-19

COVID-19 impacts employer-sponsored health coverage. Our attorneys are thinking about and writing about these impacts daily for the benefit of plan sponsors. See our latest article in Bloomberg Law and contact us if your organization needs help. Read More